In one line…
…we provide data management and analysis services to investors in hedge funds.
In more detail…
…having worked in the industry, we understand the problems created by receiving a large number of fund performance updates each month but not having a centralised system for their storage:
Lose track
When receiving hundreds of updates each month, it is all too easy to lose track of things. But it is even easier to miss the significance of an update because that requires time-consuming calculations, and we know your time is limited.
We help by looking beneath the surface for you. Each monthly update is given the context it requires through comparison to the fund’s historic returns and its benchmark index. By alerting you only when important changes occur, our customisable alerts system cuts through the noise of endless updates, allowing you to focus on those which matter most while shielding you from information overload.
Waste time
Fund performance analysis consists of three stages: data retrieval, data analysis, and interpreting the results of the analysis. In the absence of a centralised data storage system, time has to be spent searching for the fund’s returns. At best, this takes a minute or two; at worst, it requires emailing a colleague. In the absence of automated tools, time has to be spent analysing the fund’s returns. At best, this involves formatting data before copying it into a pre-existing template; at worst, this requires writing formulae from scratch and retrieving the benchmark index’s returns.
These menial tasks waste valuable time and add nothing to the end result. Our centralised data storage system means you never have to wonder where your information is. Our automated tools dramatically reduce the amount of time taken to perform sophisticated analysis. Let Crystalyse help by taking care of these dull tasks. Save your time and energy for the important things.
Limited capabilities
Certain types of analysis require access to more than one fund’s information at once. When only a few funds are being compared, this is manageable, though it may take some time to get all the data into the correct format and the same place. However, when the analysis requires many (or all) funds’ data at once, the process of manual retrieval becomes too time consuming — the fragmented way in which data is stored prevents the analysis from being performed.
Our centralised storage system solves this problem. Powerful built-in tools for querying data open up new types of analysis and enable you to gain a deeper understanding of fund performance in just a few clicks.